The Montgomery County Council’s budget deliberations are in full swing and we need you to be a champion for programs that support affordable housing in the county. Access to quality, affordable housing serves as an important source of stability for our neighbors who face economic challenges.
On Wednesday, April 24, the Council’s Planning, Housing and Economic Development (PHED) and Health and Human Services (HHS) committees will take up the budget for the County’s housing trust fund, known as the Housing Initiative Fund (HIF). The County Executive has recommended a total of $27 million for housing production, a decrease of $1 million from last year. Even more concerning is that approximately 75% of the funds have already been committed to projects, leaving the county with very few resources to build or preserve affordable housing in the coming fiscal year. To ensure preservation and creation of affordable housing remains a top priority in Montgomery County we are requesting the County Council increase funding for the HIF by $8 million.
At the local level, emails from residents often prove to be the deciding factor in budget decisions. It is critical that Councilmembers hear from YOU on this issue before Wednesday as the committee’s recommendation will carry substantial weight with the full Council.
We want all Montgomery County residents to have the chance to flourish. Expanding affordable housing in mixed income, high opportunity areas provides access to better economic, educational, and health outcomes for community members who have been historically shut out of thriving neighborhoods.
Please email the Council to let them know that you care about residents having access to affordable housing and support additional resources for the HIF.
We’ve made it easy for you; all you have to do is click here and a pre-populated email will open. Simply add your name and address to the bottom of the email and press ‘Send’!