Resident Stories
Meet the people we serve
Kidist’s Story: Passionate about connecting with kids
Hiwot’s Story: Dreams and fulfillment
Sobey’s Story: Strength and courage
Dora’s Story: Faith and perseverance
Alhagie’s Story: FLOWing into his Future
Eseme: A Passion for Arts and STEM
Stefan: An Impactful AmeriCorps VISTA Experience
Jan Brown: Community Leader and Advocate
Bertila: A determined voice for low-income earners
Karen supports more funding to preserve and expand affordable housing.
Meet Angie: Energetic and Determined to Share
Aspiring for big dreams within a supportive MHP community
Mame: Sprinting Towards Greatness
Finding self-expression through afterschool enrichment
Returning home to give back
Life, food, and family at The Bonifant
Coming full circle in the Pembridge community
Retired and thriving at Colonnade at the Creek
Active living in Silver Spring
A sense of empowerment at Worthington Woods