The lack of affordable housing hurts us all…

As housing prices rise, escalating demand requires that we act boldly to help more families in need

Help us double MHP housing by 2030, increase school readiness, and keep communities strong


Housing is just the starting line…

MHP will scale up our community life programs at new and existing sites to provide holistic support to residents

In our first three decades, we developed 1,700 units. With your help, we will double that number by the end of this decade

Mother and son backpack photo


Because we can’t fix this crisis one house at a time…

MHP will strengthen entire neighborhoods through supports to local businesses and residents

With your help, we will continue investing to sustain local businesses, foster civic engagement, and engage with lawmakers

The Need & Our Impact

50% of renters spend more than 1/3 of their income on housing

Our region is the 6th most expensive for a 2-bedroom apt

400 children attend MHP programs each year

More than 5,000 people live in MHP properties

The Goal

$20 Million

together we made it happen!

Thanks to your generosity and commitment, we raised $21.1 million in 38 months, exceeding our $20 million campaign goal. Thank you!

Our Progress

Headshot of Robert A. Goldman
“Now is the time for us to do more together. Because the lack of affordable housing hurts us all. When working families can no longer afford to live in our neighborhoods, we all lose. The quality of life in our communities is diminished. Businesses struggle to attract and retain qualified workers. And local economies suffer.”
“MHP opens the door for people to live comfortably, raise their children, and feel proud of where they live.”

MHP Philanthropic Leaders

Amazon Housing Equity Fund
Leon W. Andris
Buch Construction
Cafritz Foundation
William and Anja Caldwell
Capital One Bank
Citi Foundation
John and Bonnie Clarke
Eugene Costa
Annie Fulton and Hamilton Craig
Mohamed and Elaine El-Khawas
Elm Street Development
Enterprise Community Partners
Lucy Freeman
Catherine and Bret Gates
Helene Goldberg
Greater Washington Community Foundation
Patricia Harris
Sarah Lynch and Kris Wernstedt
Hillman Capital Management, Inc.
Kaiser Permanente
Christine Kaufman
Vicki Claudia and Daniel Lewis
Gerry Gray and Kristen Meier
Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments
Meyer Foundation
Miller & Long Co Inc
Montgomery County
Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation
Morgan Stanley
Mushinsky Voelzke Associates/MV+A
Negril Jamaican Eatery
NeighborWorks America
Philip L. Graham Fund
Robert I. Schattner Foundation
Gene and Lauren Sachs
Michael A. and Tracy Lynn Schlegel
John and Mary Slidell
State of Maryland
Jeanne Segal and Tom Trainer
TD Charitable Foundation
The Bozzuto Group
Warmenhoven Family Foundation
Wells Fargo