Meet the team that’s making home possible

Our committed, passionate staff execute on MHP’s mission. Together we’re expanding access to quality affordable housing, serving residents, and engaging in community development and advocacy.

 Robert A. Goldman – MHP President

President Robert A. Goldman began his career with MHP in 2001. He has worked in housing policy at the federal and local levels and is a recognized expert in affordable housing. Rob oversees planning and strategic decision-making related to development, acquisition, and rehab of multi-family housing, community life services, neighborhood revitalization, and housing policy.

“I’m proud to lead a group of dynamic, caring people who fulfill our important mission of housing people, empowering families, and strengthening neighborhoods. Our residents are the ‘why’ and our employees are the ‘how’ in this endeavor of making home possible.”

– Robert A. Goldman

Management Team

Дженнифер Рудольф

Финансовый директор – доб.42

Уильям Хайсмит

Вице-президент по операциям - Ext 13

Джулия Моран Мортон

Вице-президент по недвижимости - Ext 12

Сулема Миддлтон Стюарт

Вице-президент по общественной жизни - Ext 24

Ева Диллон

Вице-президент по развитию - Ext 22

Стефани Рудман

Director of Real Estate/Legal Counsel – Ext. 32

Габриэль Эрреро

Director of Asset Management – Ext 21

Крис Гиллис

Director of Policy & Neighborhood Development – Ext 39

Operations & Asset Management

Майкл Фериго

Asset Manager – Ext 31

Нэнси Райн

Asset Manager – Ext 30

Лорен Хок

Администратор офиса – (301) 622-2400


Али Сайед

Controller – Ext 19

Роза Алеман

Senior Staff Accountant – Ext 34

Samuel Wakamu 

Senior Accountant – Ext 17

Joanna Perez – Zavala

Junior Staff Accountant – Ext 44

Цион Кебеде

AP / AR Specialist – Ext 55

Real Estate

Джон Пойер

Senior Project Manager – Ext 16

Джон МакКолл

Старший менеджер проектов

Бет Сьюард 

Менеджер проекта – доб. 23

Alex Crosby

Real Estate Development Associate


Кристина Перес

Community & Small Business Project Manager – Ext 20

Али Хадемян

Apartment Assistance & Sustainability Program Manager – Ext 35

Фатима Кореас

Community Engagement Team Leader – Ext 71

Браунетт Суку

Community Engagement Specialist – Ext 54

Поль Гренье

Economic Development Coordinator – Ext 41

Community Life

Клейди Пачеко

Director of Residential Services – Ext 21

Эстела Хирон

Senior Program Manager – Ext. 36

Карлос Иглесиас

Program Manager – Ext 47

Синергия Мартель

Program Manager – Ext 45

Виолета Мартелл

Program Manager – Ext 49

Emeli Oliva

Менеджер программы — доб. 40

Нора Ортис

Program & Data Coordinator – Ext 43

Джулия Родригес

AmeriCorps VISTA – Ext 53

Вильгельм Торрес

AmeriCorps VISTA – Ext 51


Джейми Гудман

Major Gifts Director – Ext 18

Илана Гуттин

Communications & Volunteer Manager – Ext 38

Карла Гант

Executive Assistant – Ext 15

Хатаб Фадера

Communications Associate – Ext 46

Элизабет МакКолл

Advancement Associate – Ext 56

Human Resources

Лина Давила

Отдел кадров – (202) 227-4335