Linha do tempo MHP
Nossa origem
No verão de 1988, o reverendo Lincoln “Lon” Dring, diretor executivo do Ministério da Comunidade do Condado de Montgomery (agora conhecido como Interfaith Works), e Peg McRory, uma ativista da habitação, reuniram vários amigos e conhecidos em torno da mesa da sala de jantar de Peg. para procurar soluções para a falta de habitação a preços acessíveis no condado de Montgomery. Este pequeno grupo decidiu formar uma organização habitacional sem fins lucrativos que pudesse trabalhar com o governo local e a comunidade para resolver questões de habitação a preços acessíveis.
Em 1989, a Montgomery Housing Partnership (MHP) foi incorporada e pouco depois Norman Christeller, recém-aposentado como presidente do Conselho de Planejamento, concordou em servir como o primeiro presidente. O primeiro Conselho de Administração foi presidido por Bill Murry e incluiu membros da Igreja Unitária River Road (RRUC) e construtores de casas proeminentes Tony e Tom Natelli. Em 1991, Norm mudou-se para presidente do conselho e Tad Baldwin, um consultor de habitação, foi convidado a se tornar presidente.
From 1990 to the present, MHP has continued its mission of preserving and expanding affordable housing with the acquisition of older, deteriorating multi-family buildings and the ground-up development of new properties. MHP serves residents in Montgomery County, Prince George’s County, and the District of Columbia. We preserve, rehabilitate, and build affordable apartment homes and lease them to low- and moderate-income families.
Programa Bairros Fortalece Comunidades
Targeted Community Support Desde 1997, MHP has offered a unique program that addresses the needs of targeted neighborhoods. Services incluir formation of neighborhood associations, identification of issues, problem solving and neighborhood infrastructure upgrades. MHP conducts placemaking efforts in key areas such as Long Branch, Bonifant Street, and Lyttonsville to support local businesses, especially in light of Purple Line construction disruptions. During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, MHP started an emergency outreach program for residents who are struggling. This program remains part of our work, and staff support residents through food distributions, health resources, rent relief, credit reporting, and more.
Community Life Program Provides Support & Enrichment
Community Life Program Helps Residents Build Better Lives Whether helping kids excel in school or providing adults with job training, MHP Community Life Programs support the growth and development of all residents, including the need to have fun. Started in 1998, these programs offer children an award-winning homework club, Play & Learn preschool, Future Leaders of the World (FLOW) teen program, Great Achievers Toward Outstanding Results (GATOR) elementary program, plus holiday parties, back to school supplies, summer camps, and cultural outings. Adult programs include health promotions, fairs, and more.
Habitar Pessoas * Capacitar Famílias * Fortalecer Bairros